Saturday, 1 February 2014

This place is starting to go crazy...

We are entering the Karneval time and our corner of Germany is going slightly crazy! Karneval celebrates the changing of the seasons from winter into spring and is a HUGE festival in the Rheinland part of Germany. Cologne is the place to be and I will be heading there at the start of March to join in the party. However, Sitzungen (concert type things) have been starting all over the place and our village one is in a couple of weeks. The bands play, there is stand-up comedy, dance groups perform and of course, plenty of beer to drink. One of the main parts of Karneval is dressing up in costumes. I was in Cologne for a couple of days this week and met up with one of the other NZ language assistants. We went costume shopping - not to buy - but to try on and take photos. As many of you know, I love dressing up and we had a very fun time finding a selection of costumes to show you all. So please enjoy!!!!


Joan of Arc

Pirate (if you look closely you can see the skull and crossbones)





Flamenco dancer

Frog (my personal favourite)




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