Sunday, 1 September 2013

Time to leave (again)

It's hard to believe that I've been home for 6 weeks but yes, it is time to head off again. I am heading to Germany for the next 9 or 10 months on a scholarship to teach English. I'll be living with my host family from school exchange which is super exciting and also makes this move easier than Chile. At this stage I'm not sure what age group I'll be helping with but it should be teenagers! Definitely a change from my Chilean kindergarten kids.
If you want to look up where I'll be living try finding Effeld, Germany on a map. It's pretty darn small so a better bet might be Wassenberg which is the town I'll be teaching in. If that fails head for Aachen and I'm an hour north of there! I'm looking forward to a new and different challenge though I'm sad to be saying goodbye to my family again so soon.
I have no idea how often I'll be posting but will try to send out an email message to let you know and probably post the link on Facebook as well. I hope you all enjoy coming along for the ride and we'll see what I get up to!
Plus, meet Ritchie who will be accompanying me. Perhaps he should have his own blog :-)

1 comment:

  1. make sure Ritchie takes lots of photos (of him)! A great memory aid years away -- "I remember that!"


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